Live Nude Girls Unite
1. What is the main thesis of the film?
The main thesis of this film is let everyone know that dancers and strippers are not just sluts but they are real people. That they deserve rights at their "job" just as much as we do working at other places like a professor or a grocery store clerk.
2. What were the main arguments that support this thesis?
A argument is that most people miss, is that these dancers are just working their "job", their "profession." A lot of people look over that because they are to busy stigmatizing this professions with sluts and whores. Just because the women sell their body to pay their bills does not mean they should have the same rights or the same access to things as other "professions" do. They do not have sick days or health care and they are discriminated against by their body type, hair color, and especially skin color. When reading Humanizing Sex Workers? and looking at the ads made me think that they should be humanized. I have never really thought about how bad they are treated, how they do not really have any rights until watching this film and also reading this article. they are more then just a dancer or stripper they are a mother and sister too.
3. How does the thesis of the film relate to the class?
Its obvious that these dancers are seen as deviant because of what they do. They are stigmatized from the very get go. We think, as a society, that we should not be selling our body. This reminds me of when we talked about deviant bodies and how you have to look the perfect way for society not to look at you as deviant. It is the same way for dancers. They have to be certain body type, hair color and length, a certain skin color, etc to be accepted into this profession.
4. Which arguments did you find most convincing?
The part I found most convincing was when the dancers where marching on the street demanding for rights. Since dancing is a job they should be allowed to have basic work rights or at least human rights. Sick days, holidays, health care, etc. Everything that we have in our professions they should at least have the options.
5. Which arguments did you find the least convincing?
Really, I found all of them convincing and really good.
6. Choose one argument, point or question that most stands out for you. How would you study this point? Briefly design a research study around that point.
I would like to study if the men really do like the "ideal body type" for a stripper then others. Do they really prefer white, blond hair, big boobs and butt women. Or do some men like darker skinned women with brown hair, etc