Thursday, March 29, 2012

Extra Credit 4

Drag Show

For extra credit I attended the WSUV drag show on Thursday March 29, 2012. I had never been to a drag show prior to this event. I am not going to lie it was a little awkward at first. I kind of just sat towards the back and observed things. But as the show went on I was kind of mad that I couldn’t see above peoples head and see the whole performances so I moved closer to the front and started getting a little bit more involved. The first time I tipped a performer I was like “awkward” but as the show went on I got much more comfortable with it.

But to say the least I had a lot of fun. I was unable to stay for the dancing but the show was really good and so much fun. There were numerous performers and they all did really good. I would say that your partner was one of my top favorites. I really liked how she got involved with the audience the most. I also really liked the one that the couple did and then his solo was awesome too. I guess you could probably say that I liked the whole show. The poem that one of the hosts read was touching. I know what the LGBT community goes through but not really, and that just put it into full gear.

I had no idea that this event was put on every year. I am really glad that the club is also putting on the general neutral bathroom week to raise awareness about what some of the LGBT community has to go through just to pee. I hope at least around campus that the LGBT can get more respect. Not have to be questioned about their gender or sexuality.

You can relate this to our class because this show is definitely seen as deviant to society. The society has labeled this type of event as not in the norm. The performers are not heternormative, nothing matches the “norm” of our society. I really liked how you stated in class that you don’t want to become normal and be like the “straight” community but that you want the rest of us to expand our definition of normal that accepts you and the LGBT community. I had never heard that before about any other community. All you have to be is NOT white, straight, and male to be looked down on at some point in life and we just broadened our definition to let others that are not that in we wouldn’t have all the problems that we have in our society.

I loved this event!