Friday, March 30, 2012

Extra Credit 5

'Codes of Gender'

“Codes of Gender” is the fourth and last film in the diversity film serious at WSUV. I found this film the most interesting and the one I liked the most as well. This film talked about how society sees gender. It started out with how we only see two genders and then it went on to go into depth about how we see each gender.

We have talked about this a lot in class how the males and females of our society are seen. This film even went into depth how we photograph male and female models. It talked about how females are always with this seductive positions and that if you see a male in the same positions then they must be gay. And everything that was about a female was that we are below males. Everything! The way we stand, touch, look, etc was all submissive, powerless and dependent, where the male stance was powerful, and assertive.
I also noticed that every picture of a model was the “ideal women.” We talked about that in class as well. They were all skinny, but not really too skinny, pretty hair, etc. Not one model was overweight or at least more than 100 pounds.
At the beginning it mentioned that we need to know the gender of someone before can communicate with them. It’s like when we can’t tell what gender they are, it’s really hard for us to function. This film was by far my favorite and I felt it gave the most “facts” then the others as well.

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